Arthur Murray Dance Studios | Professional Argentina Tango Dance Lessons Brighton Arthur Murray Dance Studios | Professional Argentina Tango Dance Lessons Brighton
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Arthur Murray Dance Studios | Professional Argentina Tango Dance Lessons Brighton

Melbourne Dance Studio Specialising in Argentina Tango Dance Lessons

With an approach that brings together expertise and vitality, our capable instructors offer argentina Tango dance lessons that will have you dancing with style and grace in no time.

We provide dance lessons at all levels. We have an approach designed to teach you in logical order, from easiest to more difficult, with each level consisting of the building blocks of previous lessons.

And also, you’ll be drawing on greater than 100 years experience, in the internationally accepted Arthur Murray Dance Centres.

Search type: Argentina TangoDance Lessons – Brighton / Melb.

Melbourne’s expert team for argentina Tango dance lessons

Its not merely about the dance type, you’ll also gain through the health advantages of our dance instruction, as well as the fun and enjoyment of meeting completely new people. Plus the dedicated classes, we also run a social dance every 2nd week, a great possible opportunity to practice the steps in a very fun setting.

There are numerous motives to be able to party:

  • A hobby or interest
  • Acquiring more grace and poise
  • Business reasons

To discuss with a team member, phone 9530 6000.

Dance lesson queries: phone 9530 6000

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Dances We Teach

When joining our Arthur Murray family, students are introduced to our Medalist Standards. Our curriculum is designed to teach you in logical order, from easiest to more difficult, with each level consisting of the building blocks for the level above. We even provide progress checks to make sure you can see your measurable improvement. Our interrelated system of teaching ensures that you will learn what you want to learn quickly and efficiently.

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